Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Girls decorating Barbie

Boys decorating Gregory

Christmas Party

Well, it's been a long year.... or a short year.... Depends on whose talking about it I suppose. For us, the leaders, it's been a short year. Gone by fast. I haven't posted since June as I've been busy. But now I am back. We had our Christmas party on December 2. Sadly we didn't have much in attendance. But it is Christmas time and everyone is busy. Hopefully in the new year, we will rally together and become stronger and maybe you will bring out friends. Andrew has mentioned, as always, to let him know what you want to do. Something that you would bring friends too. It's not just youth group we want you to bring your friends to, it's Christ.
We had a fun time at the party. Pizza, cookies, pop, games, prizes and lots of fun. We even tried playing volleyball in strobe light.
Also a reminder to EVERYONE!!! This Saturday, December 9, at the church at 9 a.m. is the breakfast for the Christmas campaign. See you all there!
I am going to post some pictures! Enjoy and see you next year.
Oh yeah, Andrew will be getting a list together for the new year so tell him what you want to do!!!
Merry Christmas to everyone!

Thursday, June 01, 2006



Summer is fast approaching

It is now officially June and summer, the actual season will be here very soon. Hot weather has plagued us already of course. I hope everyone is finding ways to beat the heat. As you know, we have 2 events left: pool/bbq party and wonderland. I am excited about Wonderland! And the pool party too, but you know!! ;)
The pool party will be held at Paul and Christina Fyn's home. We will let you know of the time soon, like by this weekend.
As for Wonderland, we need to know by Sunday June 4 if you are wishing to go. If you have friends that wish to come, bring them. It will be 27 dollars for anyone who did not participate in the carwash, but considering the regular price of tickets is 50 some dollars, we are getting a deal, but we need to have more then 16 people and it's getting tight now so bring more people.
Andrew and I wish to thank everyone who helped out for the float in the parade. It was a good success. Thank you to the band and the people who were on the float and even the ones who helped but had to be on another float (band float).
I have some pictures from the parade and from the bowling that I will post after this blog.
That's all for now. Let us know about Wonderland and we'll talk to you soon.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006


We are coming to the summer now, which means hot weather, no school and fun. But before then, we have a couple events.
May 22-Victoria Day Parade
May 27-Bowling
June 10-pool party at the Fyns
June 24-Wonderland
On Saturday May 20, we will be meeting at the church with a few kids to work on the float. If you want to come out, give us a call. It'll be at 2.
The parade will start at 10 but Andrew asks the youth to be at the float by 9.
The rest of the details will follow so stay posted.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

The kids who went to Youth Together (and the leaders, can't forget them!!)

Welcome to our site

Hi. This is our new site. As one of the youth group leaders, I thought it would be a neat idea to have our own site. What I am going to do is put events, what happened in our events, pictures of events and just chatting. Sort of like the newspaper but in this I am going to ask all of our youth group members to start a site on here and I will add links to there pages. If someone doesn't want to, don't feel hard pressed to do it. But I also ask that in this we don't have bad things about anyone else, anything else or, well just bad anything. No swear words or cutting people down. Other then that, you can write whatever you like!!! So if you would like to do this, let me know of your site address. If you can't figure it out, or don't have a computer and would like to do it, we can figure out a way for you to do it!
I wish you all a great week. See you at the next event!!